Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ridges Recap

Jordan - It took 5 months but we finally got our spring opener tournament in at Ridges. The weather was only a little better than back in April but no rain and less wind.

Ms. Vicki Burns took top honors in Sr. Sarazen flight. Her front side 42 included a birdie on #3. She led by 3 at the turn over Darwin Barker. Her par-birdie start to the back side was followed by 2 doubles but she then made 3 pars to finish at 83 for a 3 shot win over Ed Favorite. 

Nate Plagge is on a mission. After waiting until the last possible tournament to qualify for Nationals in the 2017 season he appears determined to get that out of the way early for 2018 Nationals. Nate has won our first 2 Fall Series tournaments making it 3 in a row including our Tour Championship in the Sarazen flight. Jon Sanz made 3 birdies on the front to turn in 38 to Nates' 41. Fredy Alvear made 2 birdies on the back to match Nate with 40. Not enough to overcome the 6 shots he spotted Nate on the front.

The Sr. Jones flight required a playoff. Milwaukee tour player Rich Stoker led by 6 after 9 holes over Dr. Paul Cink. Paul made up all 6 shots on the back 9 by limiting his mistakes to doubles. The momentum didn't carry into the playoff however as Rich won on the first playoff hole.

Low round of the day (78) was posted by Jeff Gallagher in the Championship flight but it was only enough for a 1 shot victory over Steve Schubert and John Juntilla. Jeff birdied the first hole and shot 38 on the front to lead both by 2. He doubled #10 to Steve's par to even things up but bounced back with birdie on #11. Jeff came in with a 40 while John birdied the last. John and Steve both shot 39s.

Benjamin Grant shot 79 in Palmer. One bogey on the front side to shoot 37 and lead by 3 over Nathan Petersen and guest, Ted Kisner. Both Ben and Ted make bogies on #10 but things got tight when Ben suffered a double on #12 to Ted's par. Ben held on to that remaining stroke to seal the deal.

Todd Klocke led the Sr. Snead flight at the turn by 1 over Pete Rojas. Pete made par on #10 to Todds' double to take the lead but only momentarily as he gave those 2 shots back on #11 while Jeff McVay made a birdie and Todd made par. Jeff won the back side by 2 but not enough to catch Todd who finished at 99 and a 3 shot victory.

The first few holes in Sr. Palmer saw birdies flying. Bob Murphy and Charles Paciorek birdied the first and Charles did it again on the third. Then the bogies started. Bob went out in 40 to Cliff Andersons' 43 and Charles' 44. Charles won the back 9 by one over both Bob and Cliff but Bob claimed the 3 shot victory. 

Matt Harter won the mostly seniors Hogan flight by 2 shots Robert Gardner and guest Nathan Murphy. Matts' front side 41 led Dan Barrett by 1. Robert and Nathan both went out in 44. Robert made birdie on #15 to win the back side by one over Matt but not enough to take the trophy.

Robert Gardner & Pete Rojas won Closest to the Pin.

The 50/50 raffle made Bob Murphy a double winner on the day. He took home $145 which brings our early season total to $270. Thanks for your continued support of Feherty's Troops First Foundation.

Special thanks to our 2 first time guests, Ted Kisner and Nathan Murphy. We hope you had a good experience and will consider joining us.  

Thanks to Gene McDaniel and old friend Rich Stoker of the Milwaukee tour as well as our pals Jerome Olichwier from the Chicago tour and his better looking brother Jim. We appreciate you making the long trip to join us.

Thanks to Mary and Deb as always. Val wasn't able to join us. She said she had to work but I suspect she didn't want to be seen with Jeff wearing the kitten pants.

The last Fall Series event is at TPC Twin Cities on Halloween (Tues. 10/31). Registration deadline is Monday the 23rd to guarantee a spot. Tee times will start at 11:00 AM.

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